The Garden Gnome Liberation Front: History and Origins
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The Garden Gnome Liberation Front is a movement that campaigns for the liberation of garden gnomes, decorative objects commonly used in gardens.
Members of this group include garden figurines, stuffed animals, statues and even plants.
This movement invokes the right to self-determination and demands legal recognition. It also demands that (outdoor) dwarves be recognized as beings endowed with consciousness and intelligence.
1. Is the garden gnome liberation front over?
The Garden Gnome Liberation Front (or FLNJ) announced on June 24 the cessation of all activity.
After several decades of denouncing the practices of major brands and fighting for the protection of garden gnomes, the group decided that the cause had been heard and that it was time to stop the fight.
So it's time to find out why garden gnomes are now a great gift idea .
Statement by the FLNJ spokesperson
"We won," said the organization's spokesman, who used the pseudonym "Gasp."
"The public has become aware of the hellish conditions in which our dwarf brothers live thanks to the shocking images we have broadcast in the media. Even those most reluctant to the cause of the dwarves are now sensitive to the suffering they endure."
Actions of the Garden Gnome Liberation Front
FLNJ activists have in fact put pressure on dozens of companies by distributing photos and videos showing garden gnomes subjected to undignified conditions.
They claimed that dwarves were often mistreated, even tortured, and forced to work in deplorable conditions.
Activists have also circulated photos claiming that the little creatures had been disfigured by grandmothers or that their organs had been deliberately damaged in order to raise prices for tourists.
The FLNJ and its war against the media
The FLNJ waged a veritable anti-garden gnome guerrilla war, with the media as its main targets. Thus, the French channel Canal+ broadcast a report rejecting the FLNJ's arguments and demonstrating that most of its accusations were unfounded.
The activists tried to have the report banned from being broadcast, but without success. They then asked Canal+ not to rebroadcast it and, of course, they were unsuccessful.
In 2006, the German public television channel ARD even went to Portugal to meet garden gnomes and made a report about them.
Unfortunately, this report focused on the activities of the FLNJ and only dealt with the negative consequences. The FLNJ then broadcast its own television report defending its vision of things.
The case now appears to be closed.
2. Is it useful to reduce the number of garden gnomes?
Garden gnomes are known to be aggressive and belligerent creatures .
Typically, garden gnomes are removed and imprisoned in dungeons or other secret locations, as they are seen as a threat to the population.
However, some people claim that garden gnomes are no different from others and that there is no point in imprisoning them, as they are part of nature.
These little creatures need a lot of attention from their owner or family. If you don't have the time or energy to care for them, you can move them to an area of the garden that is not visible.
It's up to you whether you want to reduce the number of garden gnomes.
You can simply protect them from predators. Eliminate birds, cats and rodents that can threaten them.
3. Have the garden gnomes really been freed?
What Freed the Garden Gnomes?
The gardening market of course!
We have seen an unprecedented number of new gardening brands appear in supermarkets in recent years, and at a rapid pace.
Yet, most of them were existing garden care brands, with no new products on the market.
Garden gnomes have long been released to improve gardens and grounds in a thoughtful and sensitive way. In fact, they have always been partners of man. Flowers, shrubs and trees have always been planted and planted by man and now, garden statuettes have become a must.
Many hotels and homes have decided to have garden gnomes outside their property for fun.
We also saw new concepts such as the traveling garden gnome from the film "Amélie".
Some owners even give them names and clothes, making them feel like living characters.
4. Are garden gnomes free now?
Yes... and no! It all depends on what we mean by freedom.
Physically, their freedom is complicated, but intellectually, they are indeed.
We are not here to rekindle a philosophical debate, so we will get to the point.
Garden gnomes, free beings
Garden gnomes are free. They do not have (and are not) slaves. They like work and they are very punctual.
They have a brain the size of a grape, but when they have an idea, they follow it through to the end.
Why aren't garden gnomes free?
They are not free because they have plastic shoes: the plants growing in front of their little house walk on their shoes.
Plants are forced to grow and may eventually encroach on their territory and walk on their shoes, they have no choice.
Since garden statues can hardly move on their own, this can create conflicts.
5. Do garden gnomes have rights?
It will be easier to use an example to illustrate our point.
The mayor of the town of Givors, in the suburbs of Lyon, has decided to suspend the rental contract for the public space in the city centre district to the company that came to install plastic garden gnomes there.
A decision motivated by the fact that these installations were deemed "unsightly" and "contrary to the image of the city".
The case would not have happened if one of the rental companies did not advertise itself as offering "plastic garden gnomes for gardening, decoration and outdoor use."
The mayor therefore considered that these garden gnomes did not correspond to the image of the city and that they were contrary to the laws on the protection of historical monuments. He also claimed that they were antagonistic to the local urban planning scheme.
In fact, the installation of these garden gnomes is subject to authorization from the mayor and the prefect.
The decision by the mayor of Givors follows several complaints from local residents and shopkeepers who did not understand why the town allowed the installation of garden statues in public spaces without prior authorization.
The mayor has issued a suspension order for this rental, which should allow for answers to the questions raised and avoid legal problems.
Thus, the rights of garden gnomes seem to be limited to their owners' compliance with the law.
The same goes for the crude garden gnomes (which we offer under the name funny garden gnomes).
6. Are garden gnomes happy?
Big question.
What is happiness? You tell us!
Much like humans, some are sensitive, others are subject to changing moods.
It all depends on the specimen and the season as well as the temperature.
So it's complicated to say, because there are several factors at play and also because they don't show their emotions that easily.
7. Are garden gnomes equal?
The answer is simple: no!
They don't have the same size, clothes or owners.
We won't even talk about the hierarchy that may exist among them.
There are therefore multiple inequalities within their population.
Coming back to the famous Garden Gnome Liberation Front, it did not last long.
It's now ancient history, but he did indeed exist!