Les meilleurs congrès et expositions sur les nains de jardin

The best congresses and exhibitions on garden gnomes

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Although most people consider garden gnomes to be tacky and ugly, there is a community of collectors and enthusiasts of these little statues. These enthusiasts gather from time to time to discuss and show their collections at conventions and exhibitions about garden gnomes.

A nainvasion in Bréal-sous-Montfort:

The 10th edition of this gathering took place in Bréal-sous-Montfort in the Jardins de Brocéliande from September 17 to 25, 2022. More than 1,500 garden gnomes were present at the event and staged in multiple settings and situations.

A workshop even offered visitors the chance to create their own garden gnome.

Modern Garden Gnome Collection

The Nainportequoi festival

Launched in 2016 in Brest, this festival brings together garden gnome fans. On the menu: all kinds of activities, costumes, gnome gatherings, discussions and even a parade!
During this first edition, the festival lasted 3 days and attracted more than 2000 people.

Be aware, however, that it is not in France that we find the most garden gnomes.

But then, in which country do we find the most garden gnomes ?

1 comment

  • SOLA

    je cherche désespérément un nain de jardin avec une hache 50/80cm de préférence avec les couleurs de la légion étrangère
    merci pour toutes infos

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