Top 3 des articles vintage qui reviennent à la mode

Top 3 Vintage Items That Are Coming Back Into Fashion

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The vintage universe is growing and brands are increasingly inspired by it. In this article, you will see the 3 trendy vintage items and how to integrate them into your interior.

The globe, both vintage and modern

Hoping to find a globe for your desk?

The globe is a decorative object that is worth a look. If you want to highlight a modern decor, the globe is the accessory par excellence. It will give a vintage touch to your office.

It is perfect for contemporary, vintage and modern interiors.

Vintage objects are popular with collectors and enthusiasts. They are often used to complement a modern interior decoration, this brings a touch of originality to the whole.

Old globe

For example, you can integrate a globe into your living room or office. This metal globe can also be available in different colors, to match the colors of your interior decoration.

When combined with other vintage items, the result is quite successful and the room has more allure.

Garden gnomes, the vintage item par excellence

Garden gnomes have become a collector's item. If you are looking for a vintage item, you can opt for a garden gnome .

It is a piece that can be considered a work of art, as it is still in good condition and can be refurbished.

Old garden gnome holding mushrooms

These outdoor figurines are highly regarded for their elegance and style.

In fact, they are often used by artists to create other select objects and interesting decoration.

However, this decoration is not always the same. Indeed, it can be very different depending on your tastes and needs.

But one thing is for sure: you can find garden gnomes at very competitive prices on our site!

Garden Gnomes

These are figurines about 30 cm high that represent grimacing characters.

They were used to decorate gardens or courtyards until the end of the 19th century. Today, they are very popular with nanomaniacs , but they can also be used as an ornament for a family garden.

Nowadays, these garden figurines are not obsolete and can still make headlines !

Coat hooks, a return of old-world charm

Coat hooks were first used over 10,000 years ago by men and women living in the Indus Valley of Pakistan.

They were made from seashells and were used to hang clothes. In the 1930s, coat hooks were banned because their use did not meet building safety codes.

If you've been following interior design news in recent years, you've probably noticed that coat hooks are all the rage.

It is a decorative accessory that many people love to use for their clothes in the bathroom.

But this trend is not limited to the interior of the home. You can now find them in businesses and even offices.

Vintage coat rack

This is an accessory that can be useful in the kitchen, in the bathroom, and especially in your bedroom.

In this room, you can use the hooks to hang dresses and shirts.

This is a great way to keep them within reach while keeping them in good condition.

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